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核心提示: 2022年8月27日,我校生命科学技术学院、生物医学与健康学院、湖北洪山实验室陈振夏教授课题组研究成果以“Dynamic Spatial-temporal Expression Ratio of X Chromosome to Autosomes but Stable Dosage Compensation in Mammals”在基因组学期刊Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics发表。

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 钱胜)8月27日,我校生命科学技术学院、生物医学与健康学院、湖北洪山实验室陈振夏教授课题组研究成果以“Dynamic Spatial-temporal Expression Ratio of X Chromosome to Autosomes but Stable Dosage Compensation in Mammals”在基因组学期刊Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics发表。研究全面验证了哺乳动物性染色体演化过程中X染色体上基因的表达上调以抵消Y染色体的退化,并揭示了X染色体和常染色体基因表达比值的组织特异性和时期动态性。

在哺乳动物性染色体演化过程中,Y染色体逐步退化,导致X染色体上连锁的基因在雄性中变成单倍体,而在雌性(XX)中维持着两条X染色体,引起基因组中基因剂量的不平衡。据此,演化遗传学家Susumu Ohno提出剂量补偿假说——X连锁基因的表达加倍以补偿雄性(XY)中X染色体的剂量减少,同时雌性(XX)中一条X染色体失活以避免形成X-四体,从而实现两性之间基因表达水平的平衡。近些年来随着高通量测序技术的发展,一些研究通过微阵列和RNA测序报道了某些哺乳动物组织中的X染色体上调(X:AA比值~1),为Ohno的假说提供了支持。然而,也有一些研究向Ohno假说提出了挑战,这些研究仅包含了有限的组织和某些发育时期,导致观测结果的不稳定性甚至产生相反的结论。


研究人员首先发现X染色体和常染色体上基因表达比值(X:AA 比值)呈现出组织特异性,在组织发育的早期接近1并随着发育过程动态变化。比较人类和其他陆生脊椎动物的直系同源基因的表达水平,研究人员发现人的X染色体在演化过程中维持着基因表达的平衡,而并非此前报道的表达水平减半。最后,进一步整合分析转录组和表观基因组学数据发现,不同的表观遗传调控塑造了X染色体上基因强烈的时空特异性表达,并最终影响了X:AA比值。




In the evolutionary model of dosage compensation, per-allele expression level of the X chromosome was proposed to have two-fold up-regulation to compensate its dose reduction in males (XY) compared to females (XX). However, the expression regulation of X-linked genes is still controversial, and comprehensive evaluations are still lacking. By integrating multi-omics datasets in mammals, we investigated the expression ratios including X to autosomes (X:AA ratio) and X to orthologs (X:XX ratio) at the transcriptome, translatome, and proteome levels. We revealed a dynamic spatial-temporal X:AA ratio during development in humans and mice. Meanwhile, by tracing the evolution of orthologous gene expression in chickens, platypuses, and opossums, we found a stable expression ratio of X-linked genes in humans to their autosomal orthologs in other species (X:XX ∼ 1) across tissues and developmental stages, demonstrating stable dosage compensation in mammals. We also found that different epigenetic regulations contributed to the high tissue-specificity and stage-specificity of X-linked gene expression, thus affecting X:AA ratios. It could be concluded that the dynamics of X:AA ratios were attributed to the different gene contents and expression preferences of the X chromosome, rather than the stable dosage compensation.


责任编辑:蒋朝常 刘欣雨