南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 黎学文)近日,我校资源与环境学院土壤矿物与环境团队在金属离子如何影响层状氧化铁矿物-(氧化态)绿锈的结构组成、形成演化和界面重金属吸附-氧化特性方面取得新进展,相关成果分别发表于环境地学期刊ACS Earth and Space Chemistry和Chemical geology。
基于此,团队选择了三种具有显著不同水解特性和氧化还原特性的二价金属阳离子(Mn2+/Ni2+/Cu2+),系统研究了不同环境条件下金属离子对绿锈形成、氧化-转化的影响及其在产物中的赋存形态与分布(图1)。金属离子共存促进了绿锈的形成与转化,且离子水解常数越大、氧化还原电位越高,促进效应越显著(即Cu2+ > Ni2+ > Mn2+);且少量金属离子可通过取代Fe2+的方式进入晶体结构。绿锈转化产物主要为针铁矿和纤铁矿混合相,较慢的Fe2+氧化速率和较强的Fe2+界面催化作用均更有利于针铁矿的形成,反之,有利于纤铁矿形成;三种金属离子有利于针铁矿形成的顺序为Cu2+ > Ni2+ > Mn2+。在转化产物中,三种金属离子有着不同的形态与分布:Mn以Mn(III)形态为主,以同晶替代方式位于结构内部且主要进入纤铁矿矿相中;Ni以Ni(II)形式均匀分布于产物晶体结构中;Cu主要以Cu(II)吸附于氧化铁表面。
图1 在外源金属阳离子共存条件下,绿锈形成和转化示意图
图2 Mn或Al嵌入对氧化态绿锈结构和As吸附行为的影响与相关机制
资环院王小明副教授为论文第一作者,王小明副教授和冯雄汉教授为论文通讯作者,实验数据主要由黎学文、彭晶和王兰昕等研究生获取。美国怀俄明大学朱孟强副教授和法国格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学Bruno Lanson教授等参与指导了部分研究工作。本研究得到国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题和中央高校基础研究基金的资助。
Green rusts (GRs), which are important intermediate phases during Fe2+ oxidation, are commonly associated with various metal cations during their crystallization in soils and sediments, but the effects of these foreign metal cations on the formation of GRs and on their subsequent transformation to Fe (hydr)oxides remain unclear. In the present study, the effects of Mn2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ on the evolution processes of hydrosulfate green rust (GR2) are documented under various conditions and the mechanisms leading to cation incorporation in the reaction products are determined. The rates of GR2 formation and of its transformation to Fe (hydr)oxides both decrease in the order of Cu2+ > Ni2+ > Mn2+, and increase with increasing metal cation concentration. During GR2 crystallization, a small fraction of foreign metal cations is structurally incorporated in GR2 by replacing Fe2+, and their amount in the mineral follows the order of Cu2+ > Ni2+ > Mn2+. Under all conditions, the final reaction products are a mixture of lepidocrocite and goethite; a slow oxidation rate of mineral Fe2+ and a strong catalytic effects of surface Fe2+ both facilitate the goethite formation from GR2, reversely, favorable to lepidocrocite formation. Additionally, the three cations possess different speciation and distribution in lepidocrocite and goethite: Mn exists mainly as Mn(III) and small Mn(II)-Mn(III) molecular clusters and occurs mainly in the mineral interior by isomorphic substitution or coated by the Fe (hydr)oxides crystals; Ni is present as Ni(II) and uniformly distributed in the newly formed minerals by either isomorphic substitution or surface adsorption; finally, Cu is mainly sorbed at the mineral surface as Cu(II) with minor Cu(I). These cations may thus be structurally incorporated in Fe oxides in the order of Mn(III) > Ni(II) > Cu(II). These new insights into the interaction between GR2 and trace metal cations improve our understanding of Fe oxide crystallization processes and of the environmental geochemical behavior of associated metal cations in redox alternating soils and sediments.
The trace cations could incorporate into the structure of oxidized green rust (Ox-GR), a layered reactive Fe(III) oxyhydroxide formed from rapid oxidation of GR, but the effects of cation incorporation on the mineralogical properties and surface reactivity of Ox-GR remain unknown. Here, we synthesized Mn- or Al incorporated Ox-GR by oxidation of sulfate-bearing GR and determined their structure, elemental composition and distribution, and As(III) adsorption using macroscopic batch experiments and spectroscopic analyses. The presence of Mn or Al favored sulfate accumulation in Ox-GR, with some sulfate being homogeneously distributed in the interlayer, others adsorption on the mineral edge sites. Majority of Mn and Al entered the layer structure of Ox-GR as Mn(III) and Al(III) through isomorphous substitution, leading to the increased d spacing of (001) plane but slightly decreased d spacing of a-b planes. The Al incorporation remarkably reduced the structural ordering degree and Fe octahedral layers of Ox-GR through inhibiting the crystal-growth of GR. Compared with the Mn incorporation, the Al incorporation led to a more pronounced structural variation of Ox-GR, ascribed to its higher isomorphic substitution amount. The incorporation of Mn or Al both promoted As(III) adsorption per mineral mass, predominantly due to the increase of sulfate content and/or specific surface area, and the incorporated Mn(III) could oxidize As(III). As(III) adsorption on Ox-GR involved both surface sulfate and >Fe-OH/OH2 groups exchange, forming a bidentate binuclear inner sphere surface complexation. These new insights into the structure and reactivity of Ox-GR are essential to understanding environmental behavior of GR and its derivative Ox-GR in artificial and environmental settings.