南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 安光辉)近日,我校园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室匡汉晖教授课题组在Plant Biotechnology Journal杂志上发表题为“LsNRL4 enhances photosynthesis and decreases leaf angles in lettuce”的研究论文。该论文阐明了一个新的NPH3/RPT2-Like (NRL) 家族的基因同时调控莴苣光合作用和叶夹角的遗传和分子机理。

图1. 调控莴苣光合作用和叶夹角的LsNRL4基因的图位克隆、基因分析和亚细胞定位。

图2. LsNRL4基因通过调控叶绿体和维管束厚壁细胞的发育来参与莴苣的光合作用和株型建成(叶夹角)
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is one of the most important vegetables worldwide, and an ideal plant for producing protein drugs. Both well-functioning chloroplasts that perform robust photosynthesis and small leaf angles that enable dense planting are essential for high yields. In this study, we used an F2 population derived from a cross between a lettuce cultivar with pale-green leaves and large leaf angles to a cultivar with dark-green leaves and small leaf angles to clone LsNRL4, which encodes an NPH3/RP T2-Like (NRL) prote in. Unlike othe rNRLp rote ins in lettuce,the LsNRL4 lacks the BTB domain. Knock out mutants engineered using CRISPR/Cas9 and transgenic lines over expressing LsNRL4 verified that LsNRL4 co ntrib utes to chloroplast development, photosynthesis, a nd leaf angle. The LsNRL4 gene was not present in t he parent with pale-green leaves and enlarged leaf angles. Loss of LsNRL4 results in the enlargement of chloroplasts, decreases in the amount of cellular space a lloca ted to chlorop lasts, and defects in secondary cell wall biosynthes is in lamina joints. Over expressing LsNRL4 significantly improved photosynthesis and decreased lea f angles. Indeed, the plant architecture of the over expressing lines is ideal for dense planting. In summary, we ident if ied a novel NRL gene that enhances photos ynthes is and influences plant architecture. Our study provides new approaches for the breeding of lettuce that can be grown in dense planting in the open field or in modern plant factories.LsNRL4 homologs may also be used in other crops to increase photosynthes is and improve plant architecture.
审核人:匡汉晖 陈炯炯