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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 朱凯杰)近日,果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室桃树栽培生理与生态课题组在桃树应答锰过量胁迫方面取得新进展,研究成果以“Insights Into the Mechanisms of Tonoplast Dicarboxylate Transporter‐Induced Plant Tolerance Against Manganese Toxicity in Peach”为题在Plant, Cell & Environment发表。






华中农业大学园艺林学学院朱凯杰副研究员为论文第一作者,刘军伟教授为论文通讯作者。华中农业大学王创教授、李国怀教授及孟加拉国锡尔赫特农业大学Mirza Hasanuzzaman教授参与指导了本研究工作。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金(32272645和32402479)和国家现代桃产业技术体系(CARS-30)的经费资助。



Manganese (Mn) toxicity poses a severe hazard to plant growth, with organic acids playing a crucial role in detoxifying toxic metals. However, the regulatory mechanisms governing the response of organic acids to Mn toxicity remain largely elusive, particularly in perennial fruit crops. Herein, we investigated the physio-biochemical and transcriptomic responses of peach seedlings to Mn toxicity. Organic acids, especially malate, significantly increased in Mn-treated peach seedlings. Subsequently, malate application markedly mitigated Mn toxicity in peach. Further, we identified a key vacuolar malate transporter, PpTDT, whose expression was dramatically induced by both Mn and malate treatments. PpTDT was localised to the vacuolar membrane. Heterologous expression of PpTDT in yeast restored growth arrest and enhanced Mn tolerance. Overexpression of PpTDT in tobacco, peach leaves and roots enhanced Mn toxicity tolerance, and increased malate and Mn content. Conversely, silencing of PpTDT in peach seedlings exacerbated Mn toxicity, resulting in decreased malate and Mn content. These findings unveil the role of PpTDT in facilitating intracellular chelation of Mn through malate transport, thereby imparting Mn toxicity tolerance in peach. Our study also highlights the potential of malate as an natural compound for improving Mn toxicity tolerance in peach and potentially other fruit crops.




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