南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 段元帅)近日,水产学院李大鹏教授团队联合经济管理学院与中国科学院水生生物研究所,在Reviews in Aquaculture杂志上发表了题为“Assessing Changes in China's Pond Water Quality From 1989 to 2020: Implications for Green Development in Aquaculture”的研究论文。该研究系统综述了我国池塘养殖发展历史,分析了1989-2020年间池塘水质变化规律,综合评估了池塘水体健康状况,并结合相关政策和研究进展等阐明了影响池塘水质变化的潜在因素,证明了实施生态优先渔业方针对促进水产养殖业绿色高质量发展的有效性,为全球水产养殖业蓝色转型提供了中国成功经验。

图1 中国水产养殖业概况
为此,研究人员通过Meta analysis评估了时间、空间、物种等尺度上池塘水环境变化趋势,并使用ARMA模型预测2035年池塘水体健康状况。年际尺度分析表明1989年到2012年间池塘水质随集约化养殖的兴起而下降,同时夏秋养殖旺季池塘水质受损程度较高;2013年后池塘水体健康状况有所好转。空间尺度分析表明养殖池塘CCME-WQI(水质综合评价指标,值越大表示水质越好)值呈现出由北向南、由东向西递增的趋势(图2)。物种尺度分析表明,鱼类、甲壳类和软体动物等多类别混养池塘水质优于鱼类养殖池塘。模型预测结果显示,2035年池塘CCME-WQI值比2020年提高57%(图3)。通过分析养殖池塘水质驱动因素发现水质变化与管理政策、养殖方式、社会条件等密切相关,其中池塘养殖方式的转变是主要原因。

图2 中国水产养殖池塘CCME-WQI变化趋势

图3 中国养殖池塘水质受损情况与预测
Since 1989, China has become the world's largest aquaculture producer through pond culture, significantly contributing to global food security but potentially posing environmental threats. However, little is known about the changes in the pond water quality at broad spatial and temporal scales, thus creating challenges in the sustainability of pond aquaculture. Herein, we explore changes in water quality in China's aquaculture ponds from 1989 to 2020 and assess the waterbody's health status to optimize sustainable management strategies. This study highlights pond water quality changes closely associated with China's aquaculture practices, development, and related policies. Seasonal and regional farming variations significantly impact water quality, with peak aquaculture seasons and Central China and North China associated with the lowest water quality scores. Pond water quality initially declined with the rise of intensive aquaculture but improved after 2012 with the adoption of ecological engineering measures, eco-farming practices, and policies supporting green development. Under a scenario combining these efforts, the water quality score in 2035 is projected to increase by 57% of the 2020 level. These findings reveal that national ecological initiatives and advancements in green aquaculture techniques and public policies can significantly enhance the water quality of China's aquaculture ponds, offering valuable insights into environmental governance in global agriculture.
审核人 李大鹏