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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 郭璞)近日,我校动物科学技术学院、动物医学院国家兽药残留基准实验室兽医药理学与毒理学王旭教授团队评估了PGC-1α对T-2毒素诱导的血脑屏障损伤的潜在影响,并筛选出小分子化合物3-131(胡萝卜苷)可预防毒物造成的血脑屏障损伤。

相关成果以“Daucosterol confers protection against T-2 toxin induced blood-brain barrier toxicity through the PGC-1α-mediated defensive response in vitro and in vivo”为题发表在Journal of Hazardous Materials上。该研究采用分子生物学结合分子对接的技术,从中药小分子化合物中筛选出直接激活PGC-1α转录的新型活性分子,并阐释了其抵抗T-2毒素诱导的血脑屏障毒性的作用机制,更好地诠释了中药小分子化合物对血脑屏障的保护作用,为其成药性及更为广泛的神经系统保护应用提供了科学依据。








T-2 toxin is a common environmental pollutant and contaminant in food and animal feed that represents a great challenge to human and animal’ health throughout the world. Using natural compounds to prevent the detrimental effects of T-2 toxin represents an attractive strategy. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) is a critical regulator in various cellular processes. Recently, PGC-1α activation has been reported to confer protection against neurological injuries. We aimed to identify a potent PGC-1α activator from plants as a chemopreventive compound and to demonstrate the efficacy of the compound in attenuating T-2 toxin-induced blood-brain barrier (BBB) toxicity. We identified daucosterol, which binds directly to the 71–74 (−1100 to −1000 bp) position of the second promoter of human PGC-1α by hydrogen bonding. An in vitro and in vivo T-2 toxin induced BBB injury model revealed that this compound can protect against this injury by increasing transepithelial/transendothelial electrical resistance, reducing sodium fluorescein (NaF) infiltration and increasing the expression of tight junction–related proteins (zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), occludin (OCLN), claudin-5 (CLDN5)) expression. In conclusion, we identified daucosterol as representing a novel of PGC-1α activators and illustrated the mechanism of specific binding site. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the feasibility of using natural compounds targeting PGC-1α as a therapeutic approach to protect humans from environmental insults that may occur daily such as lipopolysaccharide.




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