南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 苏汉东)近日,华中农业大学植物科学技术学院小麦团队苏汉东教授课题组在《Genome Biology》杂志发表了“Three near-complete genome assemblies reveal substantial centromere dynamics from diploid to tetraploid in Brachypodium genus”的研究论文。该研究首次系统揭示了植物多倍化过程基因组最复杂区域着丝粒的遗传变异机制,为新物种形成和多倍体基因组的稳定提供新认知。
短柄草与麦类作物同属于早熟禾亚科,是小麦的近亲,因具有较小的基因组和较为成熟的实验系统,是研究小麦多倍化过程的模式系统。该研究利用短柄草属的异源四倍体杂交短柄草(Brachypodium hybridum,2n=4x=30)以及两个二倍体祖先二穗短柄草(B. distachyon,2n=2x=10)和斯特斯短柄草(B. stacei,2n=2x=20)。在单碱基水平系统解析了两个二倍体近缘种间着丝粒重复序列的组成、结构和表观遗传的巨大变异,表明来自共同起源的祖先种着丝粒重复序列在物种进化过程出现了分化,并且着丝粒内部的同质化伴随着局部卫星重复序列的迅猛增长,而反转座子的插入驱动了不同物种间着丝粒重复序列的多样性。
Centromeres are critical for maintaining genomic stability in eukaryotes, and their turnover shapes genome architectures and drives karyotype evolution. However, the co-evolution of centromeres from different species in allopolyploids over millions of years remains largely unknown.
Here, we generate three near-complete genome assemblies, a tetraploid Brachypodium hybridum and its two diploid ancestors, Brachypodium distachyon and Brachypodium stacei. We detect high degrees of sequence, structural, and epigenetic variations of centromeres at base-pair resolution between closely related Brachypodium genomes, indicating the appearance and accumulation of species-specific centromere repeats from a common origin during evolution. We also find that centromere homogenization is accompanied by local satellite repeats bursting and retrotransposon purging, and the frequency of retrotransposon invasions drives the degree of interspecies centromere diversification. We further investigate the dynamics of centromeres during alloploidization process, and find that dramatic genetics and epigenetics architecture variations are associated with the turnover of centromeres between homologous chromosomal pairs from diploid to tetraploid. Additionally, our pangenomes analysis reveals the ongoing variations of satellite repeats and stable evolutionary homeostasis within centromeres among individuals of each Brachypodium genome with different polyploidy levels.
Our results provide unprecedented information on the genomic, epigenomic, and functional diversity of highly repetitive DNA between closely related species and their allopolyploid genomes at both coarse and fine scale.
审核人 鄢文豪