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核心提示: 我校食物经济与管理团队闵师教授在国际发展经济学主流期刊World Development上发表研究论文,探究了天然橡胶价格下降背景下的小农户多样化生计策略与农村不平等问题。

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 张子康 闵师)近日,我校食物经济与管理团队闵师教授作为通讯作者在国际发展经济学主流期刊World Development上发表了题为“Falling price induced diversification strategies and rural inequality: Evidence of smallholder rubber farmers”的研究论文,探究了天然橡胶价格下降背景下的小农户多样化生计策略与农村不平等问题。





While the expansions of natural rubber in the greater Mekong region from the 1990s were ambitious, the persistently low commodity price of rubber from 2012 makes smallholder rubber farmers suffer from vulnerable livelihoods. This study sheds light on the adjustments in livelihood strategies of smallholder rubber farmers when the upsurge in rubber prices came to an end. Based on the two-wave panel data from some 600 smallholder rubber farmers in the upper Mekong region, Southern Yunnan province of China, this study shows the diversification strategies of smallholders in response to falling rubber prices and examines the impacts of livelihood diversification strategies on farmer income and rural inequality. The results suggest that smallholder rubber farmers tend to shift family labor from farms to off-farm employment and diversify their livelihoods in the context of declining rubber prices. Notably, farmers with relatively low dependence on rubber are more likely to diversify their livelihoods. The falling price induced diversification strategy makes smallholders more resilient against future risks and narrows the rural income gap. The findings of this study advance the literature by providing evidence on how farmers’ livelihood strategy and rural inequality change in the face of periodical rubber price volatility.


