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核心提示: 近日,我校叶志彪教授领衔的番茄团队鉴定了一个新的控制番茄柱头延伸程度的基因,即Stigma Exsertion 3.1(SE3.1),进一步揭示了番茄驯化和改良中自花授粉的转变过程,为探究番茄柱头延伸程度演化提供了良好框架,为现代栽培番茄选择育种柱头内缩材料提供了理论依据。

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 尚乐乐)近日,我校叶志彪教授领衔的番茄团队鉴定了一个新的控制番茄柱头延伸程度的基因,即Stigma Exsertion 3.1(SE3.1),进一步揭示了番茄驯化和改良中自花授粉的转变过程,相关研究成果以“A mutation in a C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor contributed to the transition towards self-pollination in cultivated tomato”在The Plant Cell发表。



通过全基因组关联分析,该研究鉴定到一个与柱头延伸程度显著相关的位点。团队通过群体变异分析和基因重新注释获得了一个编码C2H2类型的转录因子的基因SE3.1。SE3.1编码区域一个SNP的差异形成两种等位基因型 (SE3.1C 和 SE3.1T)。在番茄群体中,SE3.1C突变为SE3.1T会导致翻译提前终止,不能形成功能蛋白,进而导致栽培番茄中柱头内缩于花药筒内部。功能互补实验证明了SE3.1控制柱头平齐于花药筒顶部与内缩于花药筒内部之间的转变过程,并且柱头延伸程度是在花发育的较早时期决定的。此外,在柱头平齐于花药筒顶部的材料中突变出SE3.1后,柱头内缩于花药筒内部,这一转变过程促进了自交率的显著提高。









The degree of stigma exsertion has a major influence on self-pollination efficiency in tomato, and its improvement is essential for raising productivity and for fixing advantageous traits in cultivated tomato. To study the evolution of stigma exsertion degree in tomato, we searched for genes associated with this trait and other aspects of flower morphology, including the lengths of anthers, styles, and ovaries. We performed a genome-wide association on 277 tomato accessions and discovered a novel stigma exsertion gene (SE3.1). We reannotated the structure of the gene, which encodes a C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor. A mutation of the lead SNP creates a premature termination codon in SE3.1 and an inserted stigma in cultivated tomatoes. SE3.1 is essential for the conversion of flush stigmas to inserted stigmas. This conversion has a major impact on the rate of self-fertilization. Intriguingly, we found that both SE3.1 and Style2.1 contribute to the transition from stigma exsertion to insertion during the domestication and improvement of tomato. Style2.1 controls the first step of exserted stigmas to flush stigmas, and SE3.1 controls the second step of flush stigmas to inserted stigmas. We provide molecular details for the two-step process that controls the transition from stigma exsertion to insertion, which is of great agronomic importance in tomato.


责任编辑:徐行 穆庚辰